Gulfcoast: Doppler and Color Flow Imaging Fundamentals for Point-of-Care Applications
Doppler and Color Flow Imaging: Fundamentals for Point-of-Care Applications Training Video is designed to provide the basic fundamentals of Doppler and Color flow imaging for non-cardiac point of care applications. Indications, applications, system optimization and commonly seen artifacts are discussed.
- Doppler Principles
- The Doppler Equation
- Effects of Doppler Angle
- Doppler Instrumentation: Pulsed Wave, Continuous Wave, color Doppler and Power Doppler
- Doppler Applications in Point of Care Settings
- Doppler/Color Controls and how to Optimize
- Commonly Seen Doppler and Color Artifacts
- Define Doppler ultrasound and list the different types of instrumentation.
- State the indications for integrating Doppler ultrasound for POC applications.
Sonographers, physicians, or other medical professional performing Doppler ultrasound in a POC setting. Physician participants may include (but is not limited to) : Emergency medicine, hospitalists, internal medicine and primary care.
Price : $ 15