USCAP An Oasis of Gastrointestinal Pathology 2020
What it USCAP ?
The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, abbreviated USCAP, is the largest North American organization of pathologists. It is the publisher to two major pathology journals, Laboratory Investigation and Modern Pathology.
Course Description
Diagnostic gastrointestinal pathology is experiencing dynamic, fluid changes that require the attention of surgical pathologists who specialize in this area or who sign-out biopsies from the GI tract and liver. There are updates in the AJCC staging of mucinous neoplasms of the appendix and conceptual changes in interpreting appendectomy samples containing luminal and extra-appendiceal mucin; there is confusion about the diagnosis and outcome of so-called goblet cell carcinoid, and a new classification scheme is available; Barrett’s esophagus is often over-diagnosed but a new method informs separation of reactive changes from low-grade and indefinite dysplasia; spindle cell tumors can be separated morphologically and by their molecular features; overlapping patterns of injury are encountered in disease and iatrogenic conditions, but can be separated; liver pathology has become more challenging in the context of treatment for Hepatitis C; certain infections maybe mistaken for inflammatory disease, requiring criteria for identification and diagnosis. This faculty derived from the Rodger C. Haggitt Gastrointestinal Pathology Society (GIPS) is poised to provide the latest information in these challenging areas in a unique mentoring environment.
Target Audience
Practicing academic and community pathologists, and pathologists-in-training
Practicing academic and community pathologists, and pathologists-in-training
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this educational activity, learners will be able to:
- Recognize several types of appendiceal lesions and their biologic potential
- Compare features of several types of gastrointestinal and hepatic lesions to their mimics
- Understand the morphology and biology ofseveral types of gastrointestinal spindle cell lesions
- Comprehend key features that separate reactive columnar cell proliferations from dysplasia
- Assess endoscopic resection samples
- Mirages in Hepatic and Appendiceal Pathology
- Some Long Tall Drinks- Lower Tract
- Some Long Tall Drinks- Upper Tract
- Thirsty for GI Tract Spindle Cell Tumors
Details : 8 Videos + 4 Pdf
Price : $ 60