2020 Updates in Thoracic Imaging: Highlighting Lung Screening, Interstitial Lung Disease, and Cardiac Imaging

About This CME Teaching Activity
This CME activity is designed to address the latest updates in chest and cardiac imaging. Renowned faculty discuss the latest advances in protocol development, lung cancer screening, diagnosis and management of interstitial, diffuse and infectious lung disorders and cardiac imaging. Focus is placed on lung cancer screening program development, lesion classification and manifestation, plus tips and pitfalls in cardiothoracic imaging.
Target Audience
This CME activity is designed to educate radiologist, pulmonologists, as well as others who are interested in cardiothoracic imaging.
Educational Objectives
At the completion of this CME teaching activity, you should be able to:
- Discuss technological advances such as iterative reconstruction and dual energy CT and how they impact thoracic imaging.
- Describe the optimal approach to CT lung screening.
- Review the manifestations of screen detected lung cancer.
- Discuss the latest advances in definition and classification of idiopathic and diffuse lung disease.
- Develop an intuitive approach to imaging of the mediastinum.
- Review advancements in cardiac and mediastinal imaging.
Details : 27 Videos
Size : 6.24 Gb
Price : $ 45
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