Gulfcoast: Doppler Evaluation of the Fetal Heart



Doppler Evaluation of the Fetal Heart Training Video is designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the fetal heart.


  • Anatomy & Electrophysiology of the Fetal Heart
  • Color and Spectral Doppler
  • Valvular Regurgitation
  • Mechanical PR Interval
  • TEI Index


  • Describe the normal flow through the fetal heart.
  • Demonstrate proper Color and Spectral Doppler settings.
  • Describe the normal appearance of Spectral Doppler waveforms commonly assessed in the fetal heart.
  • Identify fetal cardiac anomalies which can be better evaluated with the use of Color and Spectral Doppler.


Physicians, sonographers, and other medical professionals performing OB ultrasound examinations for at least 6 months.

Price : $ 10