Gulfcoast: Advanced Thoracic Ultrasound for the Pediatric Patient



Advanced Thoracic Ultrasound for the Pediatric Patient Training Video is designed to review advanced ultrasound applications for evaluation of the thorax and lung in the pediatric patient. Scan techniques, protocols, imaging characteristics, and diagnostic criteria for evaluation of acute respiratory failure and acute circulatory failure using lung ultrasound will be discussed. In addition, the role of ultrasound in airway assessment and procedural intervention will be included.


  • Intubation: Trachea vs Esophagus
  • Lung Consolidation
  • BLUE Protocol
  • FALLS Protocol


  • Recognize the appropriate transducer and settings to perform lung and thoracic ultrasound.
  • Outline a standardized approach to evaluate acute respiratory failure using lung ultrasound (BLUE protocol).
  • State protocols associated with lung ultrasound and fluid administration for hemodynamic management of acute circulatory failure (FALLS Protocol).
  • Demonstrate ultrasound characteristics associated with lung consolidation.
  • State role of ultrasound in airway assessment and intervention.


Physicians and other medical professionals who will be involved with performing pediatric ultrasound in an emergency setting. Physician participants may include (but is not limited to): emergency, trauma, internal medicine, primary care, and critical care.

Price : $ 15