Advanced Breast Imaging 2024 – CMEScience

Educational Objectives

Meet all of your MQSA CME requirements, as well as Breast MR CME requirements for ACR accreditation. We will cover digital mammography, breast MRI, breast ultrasound, tomosynthesis, interventional practices, breast cancer, lymph nodes, high risk lesions, BIRADS, implants, screening, risk management and more

At the conclusion of this activity, participants should better be able to:

• Optimize imaging methods to reduce the number of false-positive mammography interpretations.

• Describe recent advances and techniques in breast imaging.

• Integrate information presented in this course into efforts to improve the imaging skills in practice.

Advanced Breast Imaging 2024

  1. Tomosynthesis Update 2023: What Have We Learned? What’s Next? – Tanya Moseley, MD
  2. Is Contrast Enhanced Mammography a Better Mammogram – Tanya Moseley, MD
  3. Breast Anatomy and Benign Breast Entities with mammogram and Ultrasound Correlation – Sarah Pittman, MD
  4. Calcifications – Cody Mayo, MD
  5. BI-RADS 3 Dilemmas on Digital Mammography & Ultrasound – Sunita Pal, MD
  6. Challenging Calcification Cases on Digital Mammography – Sunita Pal, MD
  7. BI-RADS 3: Probably Benign – Cody Mayo, MD
  8. Tips on Improving Cancer Detection on Digital Mammo & Ultrasound Part 1 – Sunita Pal, MD
  9. Imaging After Breast Conservation Therapy – Sarah Pittman, MD
  10. Tips on Improving Cancer Detection on Digital Mammo & Ultrasound Part 2 – Sunita Pal, MD
  11. Multimodality Radiology-Pathology Correlation Elevated Risk Pathology – Sunita Pal, MD
  12. Simplifying Biopsies with Breast Ultrasound – Tanya Moseley, MD
  13. Breast Cancer Staging with Ultrasound – Cody Mayo, MD
  14. Targeted Axillary Dissection: History and Updates – Cody Mayo, MD
  15. Breast Cancer Localization – No More Wires – Cody Mayo, MD
  16. Breast MRI Approaches and Cases – Cody Mayo, MD
  17. Abbreviated Breast MRI and Novel Breast Imaging Modalities – Tanya Moseley, MD
  18. MR Guided Breast Biopsies: The Moseley Method – Tanya Moseley, MD
  19. Risk Management – Alfred Watson, MD
  20. Biomarkers and Neoadjuvant Imaging – Cody Mayo, MD
  21. Artificial Intelligence in Breast Imaging – Cody Mayo, MD

Details : 21 Videos 

Price : $ 130
