pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine will be held online this year, using live streaming, electronic Q&A, and other remote learning technologies. The 2023 program will be highly interactive, providing opportunities throughout the program to pose questions online to nationally and internationally recognized leaders in their respective areas of pulmonary and critical care medicine.
This comprehensive course provides education and updates to optimize your care of patients with:
- Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19
- Chronic cough
- Asthma
- Lung nodules
- Lung cancer
- Sleep-disordered breathing
- Sepsis
- Sarcoidosis
- Pleural disease
- Pneumonia
- Tuberculosis
- Surgical emergencies
- Thromboembolism
- Lung transplantation
- Neurologic issues in the ICU
- Septic shock
- Interstitial lung disease
- Bronchiectasis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Atypical mycobacterial disease
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Cardiopulmonary disorders
- Complications from cardiac arrest
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Occupational and environmental lung disease
- Acute respiratory failure
- Vaping-related lung disease
- Hemorrhage and ANCA-associated disease
7:45am to 8:00am |
WelcomeDavid J. Kanarek, MD |
8:00am to 8:40am |
GERD in PulmonologyDavid J. Kanarek, MD |
8:40am to 9:20am |
Lung Transplantation: Referral, Patient Selection, Lung Allocation and COVIDBrian Keller, MD |
9:20am to 10:00am |
New Approaches to the Unexplained Chronic CoughKai Saukkonen, MD |
10:00am to 10:10am |
Break |
10:10am to 10:50am |
Occupational and Environmental Lung DiseaseL. Christine Oliver, MD |
10:50am to 11:30am |
Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis: Understanding CFTR and New TreatmentIsabel Neuringer, MD |
11:30am to 12:10pm |
The Microbiome and Lung DiseasePeggy Lai, MD |
12:10pm to 1:10pm |
Q & A Session with SpeakersDrs. Kanarek, Keller, Lai, Neuringer, Oliver, Saukkonen, and Angela Frank, MD, MPH |
1:10pm to 2:00pm |
Break |
2:00pm to 2:40pm |
Pulmonary Pathology: Interstitial Lung DiseaseLida Hariri, MD, PhD |
2:40pm to 3:20pm |
Diagnosis and Management of IPF: When, Why, and How to Use the Newest DrugsSydney Montesi, MD |
3:20pm to 4:00pm |
Evolving Concepts in the Diagnosis and Management of Connective Tissue Disease-Associated ILDBarry Shea, MD |
4:00pm to 4:10pm |
Break |
4:10pm to 4:50pm |
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: Pigeons, Farmers, and Hot Tubs, Oh My!Rachel Knipe, MD |
4:50pm to 5:30pm |
Treatment Challenges of Pulmonary SarcoidosisRobert Hallowell, MD |
5:30pm to 6:10pm |
Palliative Care in Advanced Lung DiseaseBethany-Rose Daubman, MD |
6:10pm to 7:10pm |
Q & A Session with SpeakersDrs. Daubman, Hallowell, Hariri, Knipe, Shea, and Kathryn Hibbert, MD |
8:00am to 8:40am |
ARDS: State-of-the-Art Strategies to Protect the LungKathryn Hibbert, MD |
8:40am to 9:20am |
Noninvasive Respiratory Support for Acute Respiratory Failure: Less May Not Be BestCarolyn La Vita, MHA, RRT |
9:20am to 10:00am |
Fluid ResponsivenessAlexandra Wong, MD |
10:00am to 10:10am |
Break |
10:10am to 10:50am |
Novel Ventilator Modes: The Hype and RealityCarolyn La Vita, MHA, RRT |
10:50am to 11:30am |
Vasopressors in Septic Shock: Old Friends and NewJason Griffith, MD, PhD |
11:30am to 12:10pm |
Critical Care Echo 2.0: The Whys and Hows of Assessing Cardiac OutputJonah Rubin, MD |
12:10pm to 1:10pm |
Q & A with SpeakersDrs. Kanarek, North, Rubin, and Wong, and Carolyn La Vita, MHA, RRT |
1:10pm to 2:00pm |
Break |
2:00pm to 2:40pm |
Emerging Infectious DiseasesPaul Biddinger, MD |
2:40pm to 3:20pm |
The Legacy of COVID: A Clinical Approach to Post-Acute Sequelae of COVIDLeo Ginns, MD |
3:20pm to 4:00pm |
Looking Ahead: New Discoveries and Ongoing Investigation into PASCGeorge Alba, MD |
4:00pm to 4:10pm |
Break |
4:10pm to 4:50pm |
Approach to the Immunocompromised Critically Ill PatientLisa Bebell, MD |
4:50pm to 5:30pm |
Vaping-Associated Acute Lung InjuryDavid Christiani, MD, MPH, MS |
5:30pm to 6:10pm |
COVID-19: Novel Therapeutics and New DevelopmentsAlyssa Letourneau, MD |
6:10pm to 7:10pm |
Expanded Q & A SessionDrs. Alba, Bebell, Biddinger, Christiani, Ginns, Hibbert, and Letourneau |
8:00am to 8:40am |
Common Neurologic Issues in the ICUSahar Zafar, MD |
8:40am to 9:20am |
From Ancient Egypt to Balanced Crystalloids: Medicine’s Attempts to Manage SepsisEric Schmidt, MD |
9:20am to 10:00am |
Sedation, Analgesia and Early Mobility: The State of the Art in 2023Crystal North, MD, MPH |
10:00am to 10:10am |
Break |
10:10am to 10:50am |
TTM and Neuroprognostication after Cardiac ArrestDavid Greer, MD |
10:50am to 11:30am |
Prognosis and Uncertainty in the ICUEmily Rubin, MD |
11:30am to 12:10pm |
Surgical Emergencies in the Medical ICUNoelle Saillant, MD |
12:10pm to 1:10pm |
Q & A with SpeakersDrs. Frank, Greer, Griffith, Rubin, Saillant, Schmidt, and Zafar |
1:10pm to 2:00pm |
Break |
2:00pm to 2:40pm |
Thrombotic Mechanisms and Antithrombotic Agents: How Do the New Oral Agents Fit in 2023?Rachel Rosovsky, MD, MPH |
2:40pm to 3:20pm |
Pulmonary Embolism: An UpdateAlison Witkin, MD |
3:20pm to 3:30pm |
Break |
3:30pm to 4:10pm |
Pulmonary Hypertension: Evaluation and ManagementJosanna Rodriguez-Lopez, MD |
4:10pm to 4:50pm |
Vasculitis and ANCAJohn Niles, MD |
4:50pm to 5:30pm |
Exercise and Cardiopulmonary Disorders: Indications and InterpretationC. Corey Hardin, MD, PhD |
5:30pm to 6:30pm |
Q & A with SpeakersDrs. Hardin, Hibbert, Niles, Rodriguez-Lopez, Rosovsky, and Witkin |
8:00am to 8:40am |
Pleural Disease: 2023 UpdatesFayez Kheir, MD, MSc |
8:40am to 9:20am |
Interventional Pulmonology in 2023Erik Folch, MD |
9:20am to 10:00am |
Interventional Bronchoscopy in COPD: Valves, Coils, and BeyondColleen Keyes, MD, MPH |
10:00am to 11:00am |
Extended Q & A with Interventional Pulmonary FacultyDrs. Folch, Frank, Keyes, and Kheir |
11:00am to 11:10am |
Break |
11:10am to 11:50am |
Looking Deeper: Patterns and Insights from Chest RadiologyAmita Sharma, MBBS |
11:50am to 12:30pm |
A Strategic Approach to the Management of Pulmonary NodulesAngela Frank, MD, MPH |
12:30pm to 1:10pm |
Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Traditional Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, and ImmunotherapiesJaime Schneider, MD, PhD |
1:10pm to 2:00pm |
Break |
2:00pm to 2:40pm |
COPD 2023Walter O’Donnell, MD |
2:40pm to 3:20pm |
Asthma: Ensuring Your Treatment Approaches Are Current with the State of the ArtJehan Alladina, MD |
3:20pm to 4:00pm |
New Therapeutics in Lung Disease: The Age of ImmunotherapyBenjamin Medoff, MD |
4:00pm to 4:10pm |
Break |
4:10pm to 4:50pm |
Community Acquired Pneumonia: The Newest Guidelines and State-of-the-Art Treatment StrategiesJoshua Metlay, MD, PhD |
4:50pm to 5:30pm |
Tuberculosis in 2023Maha Farhat, MD, MSc |
5:30pm to 6:10pm |
Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Disease: Navigating the LabyrinthRocío Hurtado, MD, DTM&H |
6:10pm to 7:10pm |
Q & A with SpeakersDrs. Alladina, Farhat, Frank, Hibbert, Hurtado, Medoff, Metlay, Montesi, O’Donnell, Schneider, and Sharma |
8:00am to 9:00am |
Obstructive Sleep ApneaJames Mojica, MD, FAASM |
9:00am to 10:00am |
Central Sleep Apnea 2023James Mojica, MD, FAASM |
10:00am to 10:10am |
Break |
10:10am to 11:10am |
Sleep DiagnosticsKatherine Dudley, MD |
11:10am to 12:10pm |
Noninvasive Ventilation for Neuromuscular Disorders and Alveolar Hypoventilation SyndromesKatherine Dudley, MD |
12:10pm to 1:10pm |
Q & A SessionDrs. Dudley, Kanarek, and Mojica |