Gulfcoast Introduction to Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia 2019
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Online Course provides the user a comprehensive, engaging and informative review of various nerve blocks performed under ultrasound guidance. Upper extremity, lower extremity, and truncal blocks are all covered in this online course. With 12 months of unlimited access to the online course you will have plenty of time and flexibility to both complete and re-review the content for maximized learning potential. Add on a hands-on workshop (Regularly scheduled, Private, or Onsite) for the most comprehensive “blended” course format.
- Indications and Applications for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
- Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks: Anatomy, US Scanning and Injection Techniques
- Interscalene
- Supraclavicular
- Infraclavicular
- Axillary
- Musculocutaneous
- Forearm: Radial, Ulnar, Median
- Truncal Blocks
- PECS 1
- PECCS 11
- Subcostal TAP
- Classical TAP
- Quadratus Lumborum Block
- Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks: Anatomy US Scanning and Injection Techniques
- Femoral
- Fascia Iliaca Block
- Saphenous/Adductor Canal Block
- Sciatic (Popliteal & Subgluteal)
- Ankle Blocks
- Scan Demonstrations
- Increase the participants’ knowledge and competence to perform Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia procedures.
- Demonstrate proper transducer manipulation and system optimization to produce diagnostic images.
- List the advantages of using ultrasound-guided nerve block techniques.
- Identify and distinguish the topographic and cross-sectional brachial plexus anatomy.
- Outline imaging techniques for performing ultrasound-guided upper extremity regional anesthesia nerve blocks.
- Demonstrate imaging techniques for performing ultrasound-guided lower extremity nerve blocks on live models.
- State scan techniques for performing PECC and TAP blocks using ultrasound guidance.
This online course is intended for any physician, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), physician assistants, or any other medical professionals that have a desire to integrate ultrasound-guided techniques for regional anesthesia applications.
Details : 7 Videos
Price : $ 50