The Pass Machine : Internal Medicine Board Review Course 2021

High-Yield Content

LASER-FOCUSED LECTURES: A comprehensive library of video lectures precisely aligns to the Internal Medicine Certification and Internal Medicine MOC exam blueprints, so you focus on all exam topics and keywords with no wasted effort.

BOARD-EXPERIENCED FACULTY: Board-certified faculty are experienced in teaching Internal Medicine board exam preparation. Thus, every lecture is up to date, medically accurate, and entirely board-relevant.

Internal Medicine STUDY GUIDE: The included PDF provides the complete course syllabus, hundreds of pages long. (Printed version also available at checkout.)

Board-focused Faculty

Remember, the American Board of Internal Medicine tests you on the entire breadth of your specialty, beyond what’s practical in your day-to-day. Let our knowledgeable faculty guide you through a comprehensive review that covers exactly what the Internal Medicine Exam Blueprint dictates.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the epidemiologic, pathophysiologic, physiologic, and genetic aspects of the major diseases of internal medicine
  • Recall the diagnostic criteria and clinical features of major disorders
  • List the comorbidities and differential diagnoses
  • Apply the appropriate diagnostic procedures based on clinical presentation and to interpret the results of the ordered procedures
  • Develop comprehensive management and treatment plans for patients


Allergy and Immunology

Allergy and Immunology (0.75 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease I: Arrhythmias and EKG Interpretation Part 1 (1 Hour)
Hemal Nayak, MD
Cardiovascular Disease II: Arrhythmias and EKG Interpretation Part 2 (0.25 Hours)
Hemal Nayak, MD
Cardiovascular Disease III: Hypertension, Lipid Disorders Part 1 (0.5 Hours)
Hemal Nayak, MD
Cardiovascular Disease IV: Hypertension, Lipid Disorders Part 2 (0.5 Hours)
Hemal Nayak, MD
Cardiovascular Disease V: Congestive Heart Failure Other CVD Part 1 (0.5 Hours)
Hemal Nayak, MD
Cardiovascular Disease VI: Congestive Heart Failure Other CVD Part 2 (0.75 Hours)
Hemal Nayak, MD
Cardiovascular Disease VII: Valvular Heart Disease CAD Part 1 (0.5 Hours)
Hemal Nayak, MD
Cardiovascular Disease VIII: Valvular Heart Disease CAD Part 2 (0.5 Hours)
Hemal Nayak, MD


Dermatology for the Internist I (0.5 Hours)
Peter Lio, MD
Dermatology for the Internist II (0.25 Hours)
Peter Lio, MD
Dermatology for the Internist III (0.25 Hours)
Peter Lio, MD

Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism

Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism I: Diabetes Mellitus Part 1 (0.75 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism I: Diabetes Mellitus Part 2 (0.75 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism II: Thyroid Disease (0.75 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism III: Pituitary Gland Disorders (0.75 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism IV: Disorders of the Adrenal Glands (0.75 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism V: Disorders of Calcium and Metabolic Bone Disease (0.75 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism VI: Reproductive Disorders and Transgender Medicine (0.5 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD


Gastroenterology I: Upper GI Bleeding (0.5 Hours)
Asim Shuja, MD
Gastroenterology II: Lower GI Bleeding and Esophageal Disease (0.5 Hours)
Asim Shuja, MD
Gastroenterology III: Gastric Disease and Intestinal Disease (1 Hour)
Asim Shuja, MD
Gastroenterology IV: Pancreatic Disease (0.5 Hours)
Asim Shuja, MD
Gastroenterology V: Biliary and Liver Diseases (0.5 Hours)
Asim Shuja, MD
Gastroenterology VI: Chronic Liver Disease Part 1 (0.75 Hours)
Asim Shuja, MD
Gastroenterology VII: Chronic Liver Disease Part 2 (0.5 Hours)
Asim Shuja, MD
Gastroenterology VIII: Cirrhosis and Liver Disease and Pregnancy (0.25 Hours)
Asim Shuja, MD

Geriatric Syndromes

Geriatric Syndromes I (0.75 Hours)
Andrew Duxbury, MD
Geriatric Syndromes II (0.75 Hours)
Andrew Duxbury, MD


Hematology I: Anemia & Disorders of Red Blood Cells Part 1 (0.5 Hours)
Morey Blinder, MD
Hematology II: Anemia & Disorders of Red Blood Cells Part 2 (0.75 Hours)
Morey Blinder, MD
Hematology III: Clonal & Malignant Diseases of the Blood Part 1 (0.5 Hours)
Morey Blinder, MD
Hematology IV: Clonal & Malignant Diseases of the Blood Part 2 (0.5 Hours)
Morey Blinder, MD
Hematology V: Transfusion Medicine (0.5 Hours)
Morey Blinder, MD
Hematology VI: Coagulation Factor Disorders & Platelet Disorders (0.5 Hours)
Morey Blinder, MD
Hematology VII: Venous Thromboembolism, Porphyria, and Infection and Hematology (0.5 Hours)
Morey Blinder, MD

Infectious Disease

Infectious Disease I: Sepsis, Endocarditis, Skin, Soft Tissue, Bone and Joint Infections (0.75 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease II: Central Nervous System Infections, Urinary Tract Infections, and Hospital Epidemiology (0.75 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease III: Immunodeficiency Syndromes, Transplant Infections, and Mycobacterial Infections (0.5 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease IV: Deep Mycoses (0.25 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease V: Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (0.5 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease VI: Opportunistic Infections in HIV and AIDS (0.5 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease VII: Sexually Transmitted Infections (0.5 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease VIII: Diarrhea and Tick-Borne Infections (0.75 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease IX: Community Acquired Pneumonia and Antibiotic Resistance (0.75 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD
Infectious Disease X: Herpes Viruses and Influenza (0.25 Hours)
Gregory Olson, MD

Nephrology and Urology

Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders (1.25 Hours)
William Whittier, MD
Acute Renal Failure, Kidney Disease, Glomerular Disease, & Other Urological Disorders (1.25 Hours)
William Whittier, MD


Neurology for the Internist I (0.5 Hours)
Matthew McCoyd, MD
Neurology for the Internist II (0.25 Hours)
Matthew McCoyd, MD
Neurology for the Internist III (0.25 Hours)
Matthew McCoyd, MD
Neurology for the Internist IV (0.25 Hours)
Matthew McCoyd, MD
Delirium (0.75 Hours)
Jack Krasuski, MD
Dementia I (0.5 Hours)
Jack Krasuski, MD
Dementia II (0.75 Hours)
Jack Krasuski, MD

Sleep Medicine

Sleep Medicine I: (0.75 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Sleep Medicine II: (0.75 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD

Medical Oncology

Medical Oncology I: Thoracic Tumors (0.5 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology II: Breast Cancer & Neoplasms of the Head and Neck (0.5 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology III: Gastrointestinal or Hepatic Cancer (0.75 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology IV: Urologic Cancer (0.5 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology V: Gynecologic Cancer (0.5 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology VI: CNS and Skin Cancer (0.5 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology VII: Hematologic Malignancies (0.75 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology VIII: Soft Tissue Cancer and Neuro-Endocrine Tumors (0.5 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD
Medical Oncology IX: Prevention, Screening, and Oncologic Emergencies (0.5 Hours)
Cherian Verghese, MD


Ophthalmology I (0.25 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Ophthalmology II (0.5 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Ophthalmology III (0.5 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD


Otorhinolaryngology (0.5 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD


Psychiatry I: Psychiatric Introduction and Psychopharmacology (0.75 Hours)
Jack Krasuski, MD
Psychiatry II: Depressive and Bipolar Disorders (1.25 Hours)
Jack Krasuski, MD
Psychiatry III: Suicide, Anxiety, and Schizophrenia (1.25 Hours)
Jack Krasuski, MD
Psychiatry IV: Somatic, Eating, and Substance Use Disorders (1.25 Hours)
Jack Krasuski, MD

Pulmonary Disease

Pulmonary and Critical Care I: PFTs, Asthma & COPD (1.25 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care II: Bronchiectasis, ILD and Pulmonary Hypertension (1.25 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care III: Pulmonary Embolism, Pleural Effusion and Pneumothorax (1 Hour)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care IV: ARDS, Shock Evaluation, Pulmonary Nodules (1.25 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care V: Practice Questions and Beyond the Pearls Bonus Cases (0.25 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD

Rheumatology and Orthopedics

Rheumatology: Arthritis & Localized Joint Syndromes I (1.25 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Rheumatology: Arthritis & Localized Joint Syndromes II (1 Hour)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Rheumatology: Other Rheumatologic Conditions I (0.75 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Rheumatology: Other Rheumatologic Conditions II (0.5 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD

Women’s Health

Women’s Health I: Breast Health and Contraception (0.5 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD
Women’s Health II: Menstrual Disorders, Preconception, and Menopause (0.5 Hours)
Sandra Naaman, MD


Ethics (0.5 Hours)
Raj Dasgupta, MD
Epidemiology & Statistics I (0.5 Hours)
Shirin Shafazand, MD
Epidemiology & Statistics II (0.5 Hours)
Shirin Shafazand, MD

Price : $ 80