Kaplan USMLE Step 2 Qbank 2022 (Organ-wise)

Study with 2,900+ questions, in-depth explanations, and high quality images–all in a test-like interface.


  • Implemented features validated through student feedback
  • New short answer explanations and strategy tab which walks the student through how to approach answering the question in a step-by-step manner
  • Addition of images and/or tables to each explanation, a strategy section, and links to all 2100+ questions
  • The QBank now contains >1,150 images and >1,800 tables
  • Includes an algorithm created to support diagnostic reasoning skills


Our Qbank replicates the Step 2 CK exam to a T—format, questions and all. Streamline your studying with high quality images, strategies, and in-depth answer explanations. The icing on the cake? Qbank integrates with outside sources, so you can build on your knowledge with even more content.


2,900+ exam-like questions

  • Interface that replicates the Step 2 CK
  • Step-by-step strategies that help you think like a physician
  • Detailed progressive reports that show you where to focus your time
  • Strategy tab that breaks down how to work through a question
  • Expanded short answer explanations with easy-to-digest information
  • Interactive 3D images you can rotate and label
  • 2 full-length, realistic practice tests On-the-go access via newly updated Kaplan Medical mobile app
  • 2,000+ images, tables, diagrams, and algorithms

Extracted March 2022

Details : 71 PDF , 25 MP4 , 2642 Questions

Price : $ 40