Gulfcoast Introduction to Carotid Duplex/Color Flow Ultrasound 2022


Introduction to Carotid Duplex and Color Flow Ultrasound Online Course is the first step in obtaining a strong foundation to begin performing and/or interpreting carotid ultrasound examinations. The Carotid Duplex and Color vascular ultrasound protocols are taught in accordance with AIUM and IAC guidelines. In addition, a comprehensive review of diagnostic criteria and the incorporation of case studies for carotid arterial disease are also provided. This self-directed course is designed with ten modules and includes recommended reading assignments, online video lectures, case presentations, and post-activity quizzes.


  • Demonstrate the participants’ knowledge to better perform and/or interpret Carotid Duplex/Color Flow Imaging ultrasound examinations
  • Apply knowledge of the anatomy/physiology of the cerebrovascular system into the Carotid Duplex examination.
  • Cite Doppler/color physics principles and be able to (sonographers) apply these principles to optimize system controls and/or (physicians) utilize this information for identifying technical errors which may result in misdiagnosis.
  • Perform routine scan protocols, and Doppler calculations in a complete carotid duplex/color examination.
  • Differentiate normal/abnormal spectral Doppler/color characteristics.
  • Outline methods for obtaining quantitative information and state the diagnostic relevance of each measurement.
  • Characterize plaque morphology and other pathology associated with cerebral vascular disease.
  • Perform Intima-Media Thickness measurements and evaluation and state the clinical significance as a screening method for cardiovascular disease.
  • Recognize ultrasound findings associated with non-atherosclerotic carotid abnormalities
  • Integrate the information to include and prepare a structured report for a carotid ultrasound examination.


Sonographers, physicians, physician assistants and other medical professionals learning how to perform and/or interpret carotid duplex/color examinations. Physician participants may include (but are not limited to) those involved with internal medicine, cardiology, radiology, neurology, general/vascular surgery, and primary care.

  • Doppler and Color Fundamentals
  • Carotid Anatomy and Physiology
  • Normal Carotid Spectral Analysis
  • Carotid Scan Protocol
  • Carotid Duplex/ Color Ultrasound Scan Protocol: Demo
  • Carotid Stenosis Assessment
  • Ultrasound Evaluation of Intima-Media Thickness
  • Challenging Carotid Case Studies
  • Non-Atherosclerotic Carotid Abnormalities
  • How to Structure a Report

Date of Original Release: 5/25/2022

This edition valid for credit through: 5/25/2025

Details : 10 Videos

Price : $ 50