Practical Neuropathology for Today’s Practice

What it USCAP ?

The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, abbreviated USCAP, is the largest North American organization of pathologists. It is the publisher to two major pathology journals, Laboratory Investigation and Modern Pathology.

Course Description

Neuropathology cases provide a particular challenge for practicing surgical pathologists because they are less common than cases from other organ systems, typically comprising fewer than 1% of cases in most practices, and are relatively more complex. Consequently, pathologists have less experience with neuropathology which translates to less comfort in making diagnoses. These mentoring sessions with experts are intended to provide practicing pathologists and pathologists-in-training with strategies relating to how to approach a case, differential diagnostic considerations, ancillary testing useful to resolving differential diagnoses, and the clinical implications of their diagnostic decisions. This is your opportunity to increase your comfort level, confidence and expertise in the interpretation and classification of neuropathology cases you will inevitably see in your diverse practices.

Target Audience

Practicing academic and community pathologists, and pathologists-in-training

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this educational activity, learners will be able to:

  • Develop an approach to handling commonly encountered lesions of the central nervous system
  • Learn how to generate differential diagnoses for neuropathologic cases encountered in routine practice
  • Understand how effectively to employ ancillary testing to resolve differential diagnostic possibilities
  • Refine communication skills in conveying important information in the final report of neuropathologic lesions
  • Increase confidence and comfort in dealing with neuropathology

Details : 10 Videos + 5 Pdf

Price : $ 50