Thrombosis & Thromboembolism 2022

This online CME course from the North American Thrombosis Forum provides a comprehensive review of the most significant changes and advances impacting the care of patients who have — or are at risk for — thrombotic disorders. World-renowned experts and leading clinical faculty share key updates on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of thrombosis and related conditions.

Thrombosis and Thromboembolism is continuing medical education that will help you to:

  • Identify the etiology and pathophysiology of atherothrombosis
  • Recognize the link between inflammation and thrombotic illnesses
  • Explain new tools for stroke prevention and prediction in atrial fibrillation
  • Identify the optimal duration of anticoagulation for PE and DVT
  • Provide advanced therapies such as thrombolysis, catheter-directed therapy, and surgical embolectomy
  • Explain the connection between diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and major adverse cardiac events
  • Provide patients with useful insights into how a heart-healthy diet can help prevent thrombosis
  • Manage a high-risk pregnancy
  • And more…

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Identify the etiology and pathophysiology of atherothrombosis
  • Recognize the link between inflammation and thrombotic illnesses
  • Explain new tools for stroke prevention (and stroke prediction) in atrial fibrillation
  • Identify the optimal duration of anticoagulation for PE and DVT
  • Provide advanced therapy beyond anticoagulation in PE and DVT: thrombolysis, catheter-directed therapy, surgical embolectomy
  • Explain the connection between diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and major adverse cardiac events
  • Provide patients with useful insights into how a heart-healthy diet can help prevent thrombosis
  • Manage a high-risk pregnancy

Intended Audience

This educational activity was designed for physicians, nurse practitioners (NPs), and physician assistants (PAs) interested in changes and advances impacting the care of patients who have or are at risk for thrombotic disorders.


Novel Targets For Atherosclerosis Prevention

What’s New with TG and AngPTL3 – Aruna D. Pradhan, MD, MPH, MSc

What’s New with Lp(a) – Samia Mora, MD

What’s New with LDL and ApoB – Jorge Plutzky, MD

What’s New with Inflammatory Targets – Paul M. Ridker, MD, MPH

Discussion/Q&A – John F. Keaney, Jr., MD – Moderator

Peripheral Arterial Disease

PAD – Pathways for Optimizing Cardiovascular and Limb Outcomes – Marc P. Bonaca, MD, MPH

Discussion/Q&A – Marie D. Gerhard-Herman, MD – Moderator

Heart Failure

Heart Failure and Venous Thromboembolism – Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD

More Than Just Diabetes and Heart Failure – SGLT2 – Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH

More Than Just Diabetes and Heart Failure – GLP1 – Brendan M. Everett, MD, MPH

Heart Failure – Reduced Ejection Fraction – Marc A. Pfeffer, MD, PhD

Discussion/Q&A – Akshay Suvas Desai, MD, MPH – Moderator

Heart Failure – Preserved Ejection Fraction – Scott D. Solomon, PhD

Heart Failure – Middle-of-the-Road Ejection Fraction – Navigating the Alphabet Soup – Michele A. Hamilton, MD

CMR Imaging of Imaging of Heart Failure – Raymond Y. Kwong, MD, MPH

Atrial Fibrillation & Coronary Disease

Dual Antiplatelet Therapy and Anticoagulation – Michelle L. O’Donoghue, MD, MPH

How to Manage the Anticoagulation Around Ablation and Cardioversions and Watchmans for AF – Bruce A. Koplan, MD


Dose-Reduced Direct Oral Anticoagulants – Efficacy and Safety – Behnood Bikdeli, MD, MS

Duration of Anticoagulation – Arterial Thrombosis – Navigating Limitations in Data and Variations in Practice – Teresa Carman, MD, RPVI, MSVM

Duration of Anticoagulation – Venous Thrombosis – Gregory Piazza, MD, MS

Novel Anticoagulation Targets – Factor XI and XII Inhibitors – Jeffrey I. Weitz, MD

Discussion/Q&A – Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD – Moderator

Racial Disparities In Arterial And Venous Thrombosis

Racial Disparities in Healthcare – Cassandra M. Pierre, MD, MSc

Racial Disparities in Arterial and Venous Thrombosis – Karlyn A. Martin, MD

Discussion/Q&A – Gregory Piazza, MD, MS – Moderator


VTE Prediction – Using Genetics as a Powerful Tool – Nicholas A. Marston, MD, MPH

Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP) – Association with VTE & PAD – Peter Libby, MD

Discussion/Q&A – Gregory Piazza, MD, MS – Moderator

Covid And Thrombosis

COVID and Thrombosis – Mechanisms and Epidemiology – Gregory Piazza, MD, MS

Prevention of VTE in COVID-19 Patients – Behnood Bikdeli, MD, MS

Discussion/Q&A – Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD – Moderator

VTE Prevention

VTE Prophylaxis for Orthopedic Surgery – Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD

Discussion/Q&A – Ebrahim Barkoudah, MD, MPH – Moderator

PE Reperfusion

Device Therapy for PE Reperfusion – Navigating a Rapidly Changing Landscape – Gregory Piazza, MD, MS

Systemic Fibrinolysis (PEITHO-3) – Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD

Adventures with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – 1958-2022 – Eugene Braunwald, MD

Pulmonary Hypertension and Thrombosis

Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension – Bradley A. Maron, MD

Pulmonary Hypertension After PE That is Not Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension – Jane A. Leopold, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAIc

Post-Thrombotic Syndrome

Post-thrombotic Syndrome – Epidemiology and Medical Therapy – Susan R. Kahn, MD, MSc, FRCPC, ABIM

Intervention, Acute Intervention, and Chronic Venous Obstructive Disease – Suresh Vedantham, MD

Discussion/Q&A – Arvind K. Pandey, MD – Moderator

VTE and Cancer

Vascular Cardio-Oncology – Javid Moslehi, MD

Prevention of Thrombotic Complications of Cancer and Cancer Therapy – Simon Mantha, MD, MPH

Treatment of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis – Michael B. Streiff, MD

Discussion/Q&A – Jean Connors, MD – Moderator

Date of Original Release: December 31, 2022

Date Credits Expire: December 31, 2025

Details : 45 Videos + 2 PDFs

Price : $ 50