EHRA Advanced course on Pacemakers and ICD’s 2018

The EHRA Education Committee is committed to offering continuous medical education to cardiologists specialised in pacing and arrhythmias

Topics :


02.Pacing Indications.Choice.of.Pacing.Mode.

03.Pacemaker timing.

04.Pacemaker cases.

05.Pacemaker cases.



08.Primary and Secondary – Prevention of SCD



11.Special clinical situations in ICD patients.

12.Device complications and lead extraction.

13.Expanding role of CRT in the management of HF patients.

14.CRT troubleshooting cases.

15.Optimization of CRT and prevention of non-responders.

16.Pacing and ECGs.

17.Indications for lead extraction.

18.Planning the procedure and patient preparation.

19.Snares and baskets- tips and tricks.

20.Laser sheaths- tips and tricks.

21.Lessons from the ELECTRA registry.

22.Pacemaker and ICD lead design implications for extraction.

23.Complications of lead extraction- diagnosis and treatment.

24.Case presentation (difficult PM lead).

25.Case presentation (difficult ICD lead)

26.Case presentation (difficult CS lead)

27.Case presentation (complication-stroke)

28.Case presentation (complication-emergent surgical bailout)

29.Case presentation (complication-incomplete lead extraction

30.The EHRA Book of Pacemaker ICD and CRT Trouble shooting Case based learning with multiple choice questions PDF

Details : 29 Videos + 4 PDF

Price : $ 40