Hematology and Medical Oncology Best Practices On Demand 2024


The most comprehensive board review for physicians preparing to take the Hematology and Oncology certification exams or those desiring a comprehensive update of hematology and medical oncology standards of care.

Course Features

All registered attendees receive:

  • A comprehensive review of Hematology and Oncology exam-focused content guided by the ABIM exam blueprint
  • Instruction by the nation’s leading clinician-educators
  • Daily Board Review Sessions- Allows attendees to gauge their knowledge base and become familiar with Interactive case-based board-type questions 
  • Access to Course Electronic Syllabus and Slide Handouts
  • Access to the archived course recordings until Wednesday, December 31, 2025 
  • All content can be conveniently accessed from your computer, mobile device, or smartphone
  • CME credits and MOC points 

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the Hematology and Oncology Best Practices course, the successful learner will be able to:


  • Understand both established information and recent clinical advances in immunohematology, bone marrow transplantation, and hematopoietic growth factors
  • Understand both established information and recent clinical advances in coagulopathies, anticoagulant and thrombolytic therapies
  • Understand blood and marrow morphology and hematopathology
  • Understand red cell disorders

Hematologic Malignancies

  • Understand the most recent advances in the pharmacology and toxicology of anti-neoplastic drugs
  • Be familiar with the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of hematologic malignancies
  • Identify strategies for taking the board examinations


  • Understand the epidemiology of malignant diseases and management of the medical complications of malignancy
  • Comprehend the principles of management of gynecologic and other genito-urinary malignancies
  • Identify the latest advances in cancers of the lung, the breast, and the gastrointestinal tract
  • Recognize principles of new developments in biologic therapy of cancer

Price : $ 100
