EchoSAP – Echocardiography Self-Assessment Program 2024
EchoSAP is the most comprehensive, trusted curriculum on echocardiography available online, to meet your echo CME requirements, and keep you exam-ready!
It features:
- A comprehensive and integrated syllabus text covering the core curriculum of echocardiography following the National Board of Echocardiography’s (NBE) ASCeXAM® blueprint.
- Hundreds of Board-style questions with detailed explanations and references.
- 100+ cases that supplement and enhance the key points covered in the text.
- Video presentations on major clinical topics
- Thousands of echo images, both moving and still.
- All the CME needed to meet IAC CME requirements for echo lab physicians.
- Three years of continuous access
Topics Covered in EchoSAP
- Study Tips and Background Information
- Physical Principles, Instrumentation, Examination Principles
- Valvular Heart Disease
- Chamber Size and Function
- Congenital Heart Disease
- Cardiac Masses, Pericardial Diseases, Contrast Echocardiography
- Echocardiography for Cardiac Interventions
- Echocardiography in Unique Clinical Settings
Price : $ 100