Cleveland Clinic Survey Of Current Issues In Surgical Anesthesia 2024
Cleveland Clinic Survey Of Current Issues In Surgical Anesthesia details the many recent advancements and established best practices in this critical area of medicine. An expert faculty provides an update on non-operating room anesthesia, pre-operative assessment, ambulatory anesthesia, anesthesia for orthopedic and obstetric procedures, as well as perioperative care of surgical patients. Anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists and anesthesia assistants will benefit from a diverse agenda of topical presentations, practice updates, case reviews and problem based learning discussions, which should lead to improved patient care.
Cleveland Clinic Survey Of Current Issues In Surgical Anesthesia
Session 1: Preoperative Considerations | |
Management of Pre-operative Problems Encountered in Cataract Surgery Patients | Dawn Schell, MD |
Do We Need Pre-operative Cardiac Evaluations in all Patients? | Jacek B. Cywinski, MD |
Updates in Preoperative Fasting and NPO Guidelines | Basem Abdelmalak, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Ession 2: Ambulatory Patient Management | |
Management of Anaphylaxis in the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) | Dawn Schell, MD |
Perioperative Care of Ambulatory Patients | Joseph F. Foss, MD |
High Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygenation (HFNCO): Is it the Solution for all Oxygenation and Ventilation Challenges? | Basem Abdelmalak, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Session 3: Anesthetic Considerations In Suite Settings | |
Anesthetic Considerations in Interventional Bronchoscopy | Basem Abdelmalak, MD |
Anesthetic Considerations in GI Suite | Joseph F. Foss, MD |
Anesthetic Considerations in the Interventional Radiology Suite | Kurt Ruetzler, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Session 4: EPS, NORA And Cases | |
EPS Update | Samuel A. Irefin, MD, FCCM |
How Do We Measure Quality in NORA Locations? | Basem Abdelmalak, MD |
Difficult Cases in the IR Suite | Kurt Ruetzler, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Session 5: Orthopedics And Anticoagulation | |
Anesthetic Considerations in Ambulatory Joint Replacements | Wael Ali Sakr, MD |
Perioperative Management of Patients with Orthopedics Oncology Surgeries | Ehab Farag, MD |
Updates on Anticoagulation and Regional Anesthesia. ASRA Consensus | Loran Soliman, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Session | Multiple Faculty |
Session 6: Elderly And Neurologic Considerations | |
Anesthetic Choices in Elderly Patients With Hip Fracture | Wael Ali Sakr, MD |
Neurologic Injury After an Orthopedic Procedure: Who is to Blame? | Loran Soliman, MD |
Regional Blocks and Multimodal Analgesia | Ehab Farag, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Session 7: Post-Operative Considerations | |
Post-operative Atrial Fibrillation (POAF) | Steven Insler, DO |
Post-operative Delirium and Cognitive Dysfunction | Balaram Anandamurthy, MD |
Perioperative Blood Management | Roshni Sreedharan, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Session 8: ECMO, Kidney Injury And POCUS | |
Management of ECMO in Patients With Respiratory Failure | Balaram Anandamurthy, MD |
Acute Kidney Injury in Perioperative Period | Madiha Syed, M.D. |
Perioperative POCUS – Acquisition and Application | Roshni Sreedharan, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Session 9: Obstetrics I | |
Preeclampsia Updates | Edward A Yaghmour, MD FASA |
ERAC Keep it SImple | Eric Chiang, MD |
Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) | Ryan Hanson, MD |
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period | Multiple Faculty |
Session 10: Obstetricss II | |
Pregnant Patient for Non-obstetric Surgery | Arthur Calimaran, MD |
Obstetric Anesthesia – Practice Guidelines and Statements | Edward A Yaghmour, MD FASA |
Neurologic Complications – Obstetric Anesthesia | Edward A Yaghmour, MD FASA |
Session 11: General Topic Workshops | |
GLP1 Agonists – What is the Fuss All About? | Basem Abdelmalak, MD |
My Patient is on Anti-Coagulants and Scheduled for Ophthalmic Surgery | Dawn Schell, MD |
Accidental Finding of Vocal Cord Polyps and PE During a Routine EBUS: What Would You Do? | Basem Abdelmalak, MD |
PBLD: “It’s Just a Scope” – Anesthesia for Advanced Endoscopic Procedures | Joseph F. Foss, MD |
Pulmonary Embolism: New Approaches and Treatment Paradigm | Kurt Ruetzler, MD |
Session 12: Obstetric Workshops | |
Parturient With BMI > 100 | Arthur Calimaran, MD |
Pregnant Patient with Opiod Use Disorder | Eric Chiang, MD |
Obstetric Hemorrhage | Ryan Hanson, MD |
Details : 47 Videos
Price : $ 50