Niamtu Platinum Deluxe Full Series Compilation 2021

Niamtu Cosmetic Surgery Platinum Deluxe Full Series CompilationOwn the entire Niamtu Platinum Lecture and Video Series for a 50% discount. This series includes all lectures videos as a comprehensive collection of the Niamtu Platinum Video and Lecture Series. This collection is over 60 hours of lectures and over 300 videos. This edition includes all the procedure video topics but may not include future videos outside of this series such as videos of courses or other teaching events.Entire series over 56 hours and 300 videos

1. Platinum Blepharoplasty Lecture 1:43:00
2. Opus Platinum Brow and Forehead Lift Lecture 38:21
3. Platinum Chemical Peel Lecture 37:52
4. Platinum SMAS Facelift Lecture 1:00:10
5. Platinum Facial Implant Lecture 51:11
6. Platinum Fat Management Lecture 51:39
7. Platinum Injectable Filler Lecture 1:00:19
8. Platinum Minimally Invasive Facelift Lecture 51:17
9. Platinum Neuromodulators Lecture 1:33:53
10. Platinum Otoplasty Lecture 37:29
11. Platinum Laser Resurfacing Lecture 47:58
12. Platinum Lip Lift Lecture 30:25
13. Filler Rhinoplasty 05:21
14. Cannula Injection to Upper Lip with Restylane 01:57
15. Cheek FIller with Cannula 07:36
16. DIssolving Filler with Hyaluronidase 04:17
17. Fiiller Injection to Chin 03:05
18. FIller Injection for Angular Chelitis of Oral Commissure 05:31
19. Juvederm Vollure to Lips 04:20
20. Filler to Mandibular Border 02:23
21. Filler to Pre Jowl Sulcus and Mandibular Border 04:00
22. Hyaluronidase Injection for FIller Reaction 04:45
23. Orbital Malar filler_1 06:14
24. Juvederm Volbella to Lips with Needle 07:59
25. Orbital malar groove 06:33
26. Juvederm Vollure to Nasolabial Folds and Perioral and Botox to 3 Areas 12:26
27. Juvederm Voluma to Nasolabial Folds with Cannula and Needle 06:47
28. Juvederm Voluma to Perioral Region 07:34
29. Lip Filler with Cannula 04:27
30. Mandibular Angle Augmentation with Voluma 07:41
31. Restylane Injection to Marrionette Lines 03:21
32. Restylane Kysse to Lips with Needle 06:32
33. Restylane Lyft to Cheeks 03:44
34. Restylane to Glabella Case 2 09:47
35. Restylane to Lip Lines 05:15
36. Restylane to Lips, Outline and Plumping 05:43
37. Restylane to Nasolabial Folds with Needle 03:02
38. Dissolving 6 Year Old Voluma to Tear Troughs with Hyaluronidase 04:50
39. Removing Excess Filler on Lip 00:54
40. Restylane Cannula Injection to Nasolabial Folds 06:35
41. Restylane Cheek Filler on Asian Patiant 04:37
42. Restylane Injection to Facial Lines 04:10
43. Restylane Injection to glabella 07:21
44. Chin Filler Pearls 16:03
45. Voluma Injection to Mentolabial Fold.prproj 05:29
46. Voluma to Chin, Mentolabial Fold and Mandibular Border 06:16
47. Voluma to Improve Festoons 02:50
48. Voluma to Nasolabial Folds with Needle 06:05
49. Restylane to Perioral Wrinkles 05:10
50. Restylane to Right Teartrough and Cheek 02:06
51. Restylane to Tear Troughs with Local Anesthesia 03:52
52. RHA to lips 04:33
53. Perioral Filler with Restylane 08:17
54. Silicone Filler to Lips 04:25
55. Silicone to Upper and Lower Lips 02:55
56. Single Syringe of Juvederm Volbella to Lips 04:25
57. Teoxane RHA 2 lips 05:35
58. Two Methods of Cheek Filler Injection 03:51
59. Juvederm Volux for Jawline Enhancement 08:27
60. Volbella to Lip Lines, Outline and Plumping 08:45
61. Voluma to Cheeks with Cannula and Needle and Restylane Kysse to Lips 14:58
62. Earlobe Rejuvenation with Injectable Filler 05:34
63. FIller to Neck with Fat Injection Gun 02:25
64. Neurotoxin Basic for Absolute Beginners 08:46
65. Some Important Things You Need to Know About Neurotoxins and Patients 32:35
66. Three Areas of Botox with Markings 05:13
67. 10 Units of Botox to Bunny Lines 00:55
68. 20 Units Botox to Glabella 02:14
69. 25 Units of Botox to glabella (2) 01:07
70. 25 Units of Botox to Glabella 03:54
71. 25 Units of Botox to Lateral Canthus 01:25
72. 25 Units of Botox to Platysmal Bands Case 2 01:51
73. 25 units of Botox to the glabella 00:53
74. 30 Units of Botox to Glabella 1E 01:14
75. 40 Units of Botox to Platysmal Bands 03:28
76. Botox 20 Units split between glabella and frontalis 02:15
77. Botox 25 units to glabella and frontalis regions 02:26
78. Botox Glab, front, dao 04:02
79. Botox Injection to Temporalis and posterior neck for TMD and Myofacial Pain 04:59
80. Botox Injection to Posterior Neck for Pain 00:56
81. Botox over Filler in Glabella 01:08
82. Botox Reconstitution 05:07
83. Botox to bilateral Masseter and Temporalis 03:24
84. Botox to bilateral Masseter 04:56
85. Botox spock brow 01:59
86. Botox to glabella, frontalis, lateral canthus, bunny lines, mentalis and DAO 08:15
87. Botox “lip flip” 01:58
88. Botox for Gummy Smile (excessive gingival show) 04:16
89. Botox to Gummy Smile 03:21
90. Botox to Lip Lines, Chin and DAO 02:21
91. Botox to Masseter Muscle 02:08
92. Botox to Scalp for Hyperhydrosis 04:28
93. Botox for Hairline Hyperhydrosis 02:15
94. Botox for Axillary Hyperhydrosis 04:30
95. Dysport Reconstitution 02:49
96. Glabella, Frontalis, Lat. Canthus, upper lip, and Masseter Botox Treatment 09:03
97. Jeuveau to Glabella and Frontalis 05:03
98. 90 Units of Dysport to Glabella and Lateral Canthus 02:29
99. Vein Scan and Dysport to Lateral Canthus and Glabella 05:13
100. 15 Units of Dysport to Bunny Lines (nasalis muscles) 00:34
101. Botox to Bunny Lines and Lateral Canthus 02:47
102. Botox to Bunny Lines, Glabella, Frontalis and Lateral Canthus 03:13
103. Botox to Bunny Lines 01:42
104. Botox to DAO, Chin, Lips Lines 05:03
105. Botox to Frontalis to Glabella and Frontalis 01:45
106. Botox to Frontalis, Glabella, Lateral Canthus 04:51
107. Botox to Glabella and Frontalis 1A 05:11
108. Botox to Glabella and Frontalis 1C 03:51
109. Botox to Glabella and Frontalis in Young Patient 1D 02:10
110. Botox to Glabella, Frontalis and Lateral Canthus 1B 03:22
111. Botox to Glabella, Frontalis, DAO and Mentalis 04:49
112. Facelift and Eye Consult 22:57
113. Marking the Facelift and Browlift Patient 06:52
114. Weekend Short Scar Facelift Case 1 25:30
115. Short Scar (weekend facelift) Lift Case 2 16:52
116. Short Scar Facelift Case 3 16:52
117. Weekend Short Scar Facelift with Minilift Conversion Case 4 52:59
118. Case 3 Revision Facelift Part 1 13:12
119. Case 3 Revision Facelift Part 2 42:56
120. Revision Facelift part 3 02:34
121. Single Side Facelift with Platysmaplasty Non Stop Part 1 46:28
122. Facelift with Platys single side part 2 part 1 and 2 crackle 37:52
123. Unilateral Facelift with CO2 Part 3 27:40
124. Unilateral Facelift with CO2 part 2 20:16
125. Unilateral Nonstop Facelift with Full Face CO2 Laser Resurfacing Part 1 24:17
126. Marking and Prepping the Facelift Patient 10:05
127. Deep Plane SMASectomy 01:18
128. Some Important Things You Need to Know About Neurotoxins and Patients 32:35
129. Deep Plane Demo 08:02
130. More on Deep Plane Facelift 10:49
131. Sterile Patient Pre Surgical Prep for Facelift 12:02
132. Face & Necklift Recovery-The First 24 Hours 10:13
133. 8 Days after Facelift 01:49
134. Buccal Fat Reduction Through Facelift Flap 03:44
135. C SMasectomy with Cervical Extension Close Up 17:10
136. C SMASectomy 07:01
137. Case 1 Platysmaplasty and Comprehensive Facelift with SMASectomy 1:00:22
138. Close Up Great Male Platysmaplasty 04:42
139. Close Up Great Platysmaplasty Case 1 12:01
140. Close Up Great Platysmaplasty Case 2 07:33
141. Close Up Platysmaplasty Sutures 06:05
142. Facelift Incision and Flap Development 07:53
143. Facelift Marking Patient 1 03:45
144. Facelift Skin Tension Vectors Posteriorly and Superiorly 02:09
145. Fractional Laser to Face and Facelift Flap 05:07
146. Soniquence Radiowave for Faceliflt 07:37
147. Anterior Flap Trimming 15:27
148. Great Close Up Platysmaplasty Side View Case 1 06:54
149. Great Posterior Key Sutures and Skin Excision 19:05
150. Identifying and Treating the Jowl 10:14
151. Intermediate and Advanced SMASectomy 13:50
152. Key Sutures and Skin Flap Trimming 29:43
153. One Week After Facelift Follow Up 04:30
154. Pixie Earlobe Repair During Revision Facelift 04:47
155. Platysmaplasty Model Demonstration 03:11
156. Posterior Tragal Facelift Incision and Reconstruction 18:39
157. Preauricular Skin Excess Trimming 15:37
158. SMAS Plication 04:41
159. SMASectomy 10:52
160. Operation operator 11:04
161. Great anterior trim 15:27
162. Draining Post Face Lift Seroma 02:20
163. Lower lid trans conjunctival bleph with significant fat and canthopexy 15:08
164. Soniquence Radiowave Assisted Lower Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty 05:45
165. 4 Quadrant Blepharoplasty with Canthopexy and CO2 Laser 27:06
166. 4 Quardrant Belpharoplasty with Scalpel and Radiowave Microneedle and Lower Lid Chemical Peel 32:02
167. 5 Minute Transconjunctival Laser Assisted Blepharoplasty 04:02
168. Bleph Consult Final 26:07
169. Blepharoplasty Marking Case 1 06:03
170. Blepharoplasty Marking Case 2 04:11
171. Blepharoplasty Marking Case 3 06:54
172. Blepharoplasty Marking Case 4 06:47
173. Fold Method of Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Marking 04:31
174. Canthopexy, Suturing Upper Bleph, Laser to Lower Lids 12:53
175. Great Close Up Laser Assisted Lower Transconjunctival Bleph with Light Chemical Peel 08:51
176. Laser and Radiowave Transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty with CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing 15:24
177. Bilateral Subcillary Skin Muscle Radiowave Assisted Lower Blepharoplasty 36:12
178. Lower Revision Blepharoplasty and Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing 08:27
179. Lower Transconjunctival Laser Blepharoplasty and CO2 Laser to lower Lids 15:51
180. Multimodal Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Canthopexy 38:14
181. Radiowave Blepharoplasty with Canthopexy and CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing 14:45
182. Scalpel and Radiowave Upper and Lowere TC Blephaorplasty 28:13
183. Scalpel, Laser and Radiowave Upper and Lower TC Blepharoplasty wth CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing 44:31
184. Unilatertal Upper and Lower Transconjunctival Laser Assited Blepharoplasty with CO2 Laser to Lower Lids 19:43
185. Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Skin Pinch on patient with Pigmented Skin 37:26
186. Upper and Lower Laseer Bleph with Canthopexy and CO2 Laser to Lower Lids 26:42
187. Upper and Lower Laser Blepharoplasty with Chemical Peel 21:54
188. Upper and Lower TC Bleph with lower eyelid CO2 Skin Resurfacing 19:46
189. Upper and Lower Transconjunctival Laser Assisted BLepharoplasty 00:29
190. Upper Blepharoplasty for Distribution 16:16
191. Upper Eyelid Revision Blepharoplaty 13:06
192. Upper Lid Laser Blepharoplasty, Lower Lid Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty with Radiowave Incision, Canthopexy and CO2 Lower Lid 19:25
193. Upper Revision Bleph with Fine Wire and Lower Lid Skin Pinch 13:52
194. Soniquence Radiowave Assisted Upper Blepharoplasty 15:38
195. Transconjunctival Laser Assisted Belpharoplasty with CO2 laser Skin Resurfacing 14:35
196. Soniquence 4.0 Mhz Radiowave for Blepharoplasty Surgery 31:51
197. Unilateral Laser Assisted Upper and Lower Bleph with Canthopexy and Lower Lid CO2 laser 19:32
198. Unilateral Upper and Lower Laser Blepharoplasty 13:46
199. 5 Minute Single Suture Canthopexy for Loose Eyelids 02:26
200. Unilateral Upper Laser Assisted Blepharoplasty lateral view 06:24
201. Blepharoplasty Complications 33:52
202. Transfollicular Brow and Forehead Lift with Upper BLepharoplasty Case 3 35:38
203. Endoscoic Brow and Forehead Lift with Blepharoplasty Part 1 19:43
204. Endoscopic Brow and Forehead Lift Case 2 33:22
205. Endoscopic Brow and Forehead with Simultaneous Blepharoplasty Part 2 14:13
206. transfollicular Brow and Forehead Lift Case 2 28:52
207. Transfollicular Brow and Forehead Lift with Blepharoplasty Case 1 15:57
208. Submalar Cheek Implant Placement Case 1A 17:15
209. Submental Placement of Silicone Chin Implant Case 2 20:10
210. Submental Placement of Silicone Chin Implant Case 13:48
211. Intraoral Placement of Small FMG Silicone Chin Implant 14:43
212. What Cheek Implants Do 06:48
213. Unilateral Cheek Implant Removal Bonus Video 01:49
214. Unilateral Silicone Cheek Implant and Buccal Fat Reduction 15:37
215. Case 1 Bilateral Placement of Submalar Cheek Implants 26:54
216. Cheek Implants Positioning for the Infraorbital Nerve on Model 01:17
217. Chin Implant Removal of 20 Year Old Silicone Implant 16:34
218. Intraoral Placement of Silicone Chin Implant 13:11
219. Intraoral Removal and Relacement of Silicone Chin Implant-Surgeon’s View 19:12
220. Mandibular Glove Implant with Submental Approach 15:41
221. Temporal Implant 10:19
222. Earlobe Repair 08:04
223. Case 1 Otoplasty with Mustarde Sutures and Mini Davis Cartilage Procedure 22:30
224. Case 2 Mustarde and Davis Otoplasty 47:51
225. Case 3 Davis and Mustarde Opoplasty and 24 Hour Follow Up 22:59
226. Case 4 Davis and Mustarde Otoplasty 21:46
227. Jowl Liposuction Case 1 03:25
228. Fat Transfer from Abdomen to Face 20:32
229. Buccal Fat Reduction 2 Methods 11:54
230. Local Anesthesia for Buccal Fat Reduction 00:52
231. Submental and Jowl Liposuction with Tumescent Anesthesia Infiltration 13:49
232. Submental and Jowl Liposuction 05:45
233. Submentoplasty, Liposuction, Buccal Fat Reduction, Platysmaplasty and Chin Implant 33:48
234. The Ultimate Buccal Fat Pad Video 22:00
235. Buccal Fat Reduction Case 1 with Facial Explanation 03:57
236. Buccal Fat Reduction Case 2 08:26
237. Buccal Fat Reduction Case 3 multiple patients 19:47
238. Buccal Fat Reduction Case 4 02:21
239. Buccal Fat Reduction Case 5 withPosterior Sulcus Incision.prproj 03:12
240. Buccal Fat Reduction Through Facelift Flap 03:44
241. CO2 LaserTreatment to Facial Scars 04:46
242. Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing to the Lower Eyelids 01:34
243. Full Face CO2 Laser Resurfacing Case 1 21:22
244. Full Face CO2 Laser Resurfacing with Neck Resurfacing 22:36
245. Full Face CO2 Laser to Face and Neck Case 3 19:54
246. Full Face Hybrid CO2 Laser Resurfacing 20:17
247. Full Face Hybrid CO2 Laser Resurfacing_1 09:12
248. Immediate Post Laser Dressing and Pain Control 02:40
249. One Week after Laser Resurfacing with Healing and Care Explanation 04:48
250. Perioral CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing 07:49
251. Segmental Facial CO2 Laser Resurfacing 09:18
252. 1week post CO2 Full Face Laser Resurfacing 00:41
253. CO2 Laser of Submental Scar 02:23
254. CO2 Laser Resurfacing of Lower Lids with Local Anesthesia 04:57
255. CO2 Laser Resurfacing To Upper and Lower Lids 03:36
256. CO2 Laser to Festoons with Local Anesthesia Case 1 02:35
257. CO2 Laser to Festoons with Local Anesthesia Case 2 03:42
258. Full Cace 20% TCA Chemical Peel 11:45
259. Chemical Peel and CO2 Laser of Lower Lids 03:13
260. Chemical Peel and intro 08:17
261. Chemical Peel and Laser Combo 26:31
262. Case 3. Subnasal (Bull Horn) Lip Lift 08:43
263. Subnasal Lip Lift Case 2 18:57
264. Subnasal Lip Lift Case 1 14:36
265. Soniquence Sampler- Facelift and Blepharoplasty 12:25
266. Soniquence Radiowave System Removal of Multiple Facial Nevi 05:10
267. Soniquence Radiowave System Removal of Multiple Facial Nevi 05:10
268. Radiowave Lesion Removal Eye and Neck 04:24
269. Soniquence Radiowave System Removal of Facial Keratoses 03:06
270. Ellman Radiowave Removal of Large Glabellar Mole 02:40
271. Nose and Cheek Mole Removal with Ellman System 06:53
272. Close Up Ablation of Multiple Keratoses 07:01
273. Radiowave Ablation of Multiple Neck Nevi 03:36
274. 4.0 Mhz Removal of Multiple Facial Nevi 04:12
275. Ellman Radiowave Ablation of Eyebrow Nevi 05:13
276. Biopsy and Radiowave Removal of Large lip Nevus 03:55
277. Removal of Multiple Facial Keratoses 02:40
278. Ellman Radiowave Removal of Multiple Facial and Neck Nevi 06:36
279. Soniquence Treatment Of Hairy Nevus 06:01
280. Soniquence RF Removal of Multiple Moles 05:38
281. Temporal Implant 10:19
282. Facelift with a chin implant; A powerful combination 07:07
283. Deep Neck Lift Explained 2 07:23
284. Deep Plane Step by Step Full Video 13:03
285. 1. Deep Plane on Table 00:38
286. 2. Deep Plane Neck Without Submandibular Gland Reduction 05:15
287. 3. Deep Plane Midline with Central and Lateral Excision and Closure 01:34
288. 4. Digastric Muscle Reduction with Multiple Modalities in two Cases 01:38
289. 5. Digastric Muscle Reduction 2x 00:30
290. 6. RIght Submandibular Gland Reduction with Platysma Retraction 06:57
291. 7. Submandibular Gland Reduction with Tonsil Snare and and Clamp 01:22
292. 8. Tonsil Snare SMG Reduction with Capsule Suturing 00:54
293. 9. Unilateral Submandibular Gland Reduction with Hemostat Clamp 01:28
294. 10. Left Submandibular Gland Reduction with Bipolar Bleeding Control 00:55
295. 11. Quick SMG Reduction with Capsule Closure 01:22
296. 12. Botox Injection to Submandibular Gland 01:11
297. 13. Traditional Deep Plane Facelift Anterior Dissection 02:38
298. 14. Anterior and Posterior Classic Deep Plane Incisions with Scalpel, Radiowave Spatula and Scissors 02:47
299. 15. Deep Plane Dissection of Anterior Facelift Flap 03:41
300. 16. Single Side Deep Plane Facelift Front and Back 57:44
301. 17. Deep Plane SubSMAS Dissection 01:57
302. 18. Best SubSMAS 06:21
303. 19. Radiowave SubSMAS Dissection and Suturing 01:08
304. 20. Deep Plane Dissection Single Side Long skin Flap 06:08
305. Skin and SMAS Dissection 03:47
306. 16 Recent Deep Plane Facelift Patients 12:05
307. Draining a Post Facelift Seroma

Details : 307 MP4 

Price : $ 100
