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- Facelift and Blepharoplasty with Fat Transposition
Complex Blepharoplasty with Fat Transposition, Canthopexy and Facelift
- Face and Midface Lifts with Suspender Anchorage
Face and Midface Lifts with Correction of Round Eye
- Blepharoplasty in Prominent Eyes
Blepharoplasty in Prominent Eyes
- Lower Blepharoplasty and Canthopexy
Lower Blepharoplasty with Canthopexy and an Adamson’s Flap Suspension
- Intraoral Malarplasty and Fat Graft
Augmentation Malarplasty with Intraoral Access and Fat Graft
- Facelift with High SMAS
Facelift with Limited Skin Undermining and Extended SMAS Flap (High SMAS)
- Blepharoplasty with Fat Transposition and Canthopexy
Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Fat Transposition and Superfi cial and Deep Canthopexy
- Midface Lift with Bone Fixation
Transpalpebral Midface Lift with Transosseous Anchorage
- Malaroplasty and Fat Graft During a Facelift
Augmentation Malarplasty Associated with Midface Fat Graft During a Facelift
- Periocular Fat Graft and Blepharoplasty
Periocular Fat Graft and Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
- Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty and Brow Lift
Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Direct Brow Lift
- Facelift and Midface Lift with Bone Anchorage
Extended Temporal SMAS Lift and Midface Lift with Bone Anchorage and Fat Graft
- Removal of Granulomas and Midface Lift
Removal of Large Foreign Body Granulomas along the Lower Orbital Rim with Mid-Temporal Facelift
- Blind Midface Lift (Animation)
Blind Midface Lift (Animation)
- Blind Midface Lift (Video)
Blind Midface Lift (Video)
- Midface Lift with Transosseous Fixation (Animation)
Midface Lift with Bone Anchorage (Animation)
- Midface Lift on a Cadaver
Midface Lift with Anchorage to the Periostheum of the Supero-Lateral Orbital Rim (Cadaver)
- Transpalpebral Resection of the Corrugator Muscle
Transpalpebral Resection of the Corrugator Muscle
- Resection of the Corrugator Muscle (Cadaver)
Transpalpebral Resection of the Corrugator Muscle (Cadaver)
- Direct Brow Lift
Direct Brow Lift
- Transpalpebral Brow Lift (Cadaver)
Transpalpebral Brow Lift (Cadaver)
- Lower Blepharoplasty with Fat Transposition
Lower Transcutaneous Blepharoplasty with Fat Transposition
- Facelift on a Man
Facelift on a Man
- My First Facelift
My First Facelift
- Facelift with T-Sling
Tertiary Cervico-Facelift with T-Sling Technique
- T-Sling
T-Sling Platysmaplasty
- Direct Brow Lift
Direct Transcutaneous Brow Lift
- Midface, Malaroplasty and Canthopexy
Midface Lift, Transpalpebral Augmentative
Malaroplasty and Dynamic Canthopexy
- Facelift and Blepharoplasty on a Man
Cervico-Face and Temporal Lift with Direct Brow Lift, Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty, Neck Liposuction and Insertion of the SMAS along the Fold
- Facelift with Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty and Lip Lipofilling
Cervico-Facelift with Upper Blepharoplasty, Neck Liposuction, Extended SMAS, Fibrin Glue, Fat Graft in the Lips and Temporal Lift
- Facelift and Midface Lift with Different Approaches
Facelift and Midface Lift with Different Approaches
- Secondary Tarsal Strip
Secondary Tarsal Strip
- Correction of Fat Graft Complications
Correction of Secondary Complication to Lower Eyelid Fat Graft
- Total Section of Platysma
Full-Width Platysma Section
- Tunnellised Section of Platysma
Tunnellised Platysma Section
- Preauricular Augmentation Malaroplasty
Augmentation Malaroplasty through Preauricular Access
- Iatrogenic Palpebral Retraction Correction
Correction of Iatrogenic Eyelid Retraction
- SMG Reduction
Submandibular Gland Reduction During a Facelift
- Blepharoplasty with Fat Transposition and Canthopexy
Upper Blepharoplasty with Transconjunctival Canthopexy, Periauricolar Lipostructuring and Tear Trough Deformity Correction with Transconjunctival Fat Transposition
- Lateral Approach to Platysma
Lateral Platysma Section and Midline Plication in a Cadaver and in a Patient
- Corsetplasty
Details : 43 Videos
Price : $ 60