Electrodiagnostic Medicine and Neuromuscular Disorders – A Case-Based Approach 2020
Oakstone Specialty Review
An authoritative, illustrated review of diseases affecting the peripheral nervous system, including diagnostic approaches, patient management, and best practices.
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This CME course in electrodiagnostic medicine consists of 35 one-hour lectures that focus on a wide range of peripheral nerve diseases. Key sections include focal syndromes, generalized disorders, motor neuron diseases, polyneuropathies, neuromuscular junction disorders, myopathies and special topics. Electrodiagnostic Medicine and Neuromuscular Disorders – A Comprehensive Review incorporates patient examples to illustrate typical and atypical presentations, and will help you to better:
- Apply best practices for evaluation of patients presenting with actual or suspected neuromuscular complaints
- Recognize classic, possible, and unlikely neuromuscular disorders according to clinical symptoms
- Assess the need of laboratory tests, electrodiagnostic studies, imaging, and muscle and nerve biopsies to establish a diagnosis
- Illustrate effective management of painful neuropathies
- Outline strategies to deliver the best care possible to patients with neuromuscular disorders