ISCG 2024 Cosmetic Gyn & Body Contouring 3-Day World Congress
ISCG 2024 Cosmetic Gyn & Body Contouring 3-Day World Congress Witness three full days of cutting-edge material from the world’s leading experts in cosmetic gynecology and body contouring as they share their latest tips, tricks, and strategies to enhance your skills and your business. You won’t find this material anywhere else. The ISCG World Congress is the longest-running conference in the field and the most exclusive. Now you can experience this magnificent program at your convenience and enjoy every minute of action.
1. | Session 101
from ISCGEpisode 1 of 83 |
2:03:36 | |
2. | Session 102
from ISCGEpisode 2 of 83 |
1:43:57 | |
3. | Session 103 | 2:03:00 | |
4. | Session 104 Spanish | 2:26:48 | |
5. | Session 105 | 2:00:19 | |
6. | Session 106 | 1:49:34 | |
7. | Session 107 | 1:57:29 | |
8. | Session 108 | 1:48:39 | |
9. | Session 109 | 1:54:30 | |
10. | Session 110 | 2:05:43 | |
11. | Session 111 | 1:38:37 | |
12. | Session 112 | 1:41:46 | |
13. | Vaginal Health Empowerment: The Final Frontier | 13:49 | |
14. | Pelvic Magnetic Field Therapy: 5-Year Experience | 18:19 | |
15. | Vaginal Radiofrequency Microneedling | 23:27 | |
16. | Dyspareunia: The Importance of a Good Diagnosis to Establish the Best Treatment | 14:30 | |
17. | Diving for Useful Pearls from 27 Years of Clinical Practice | 27:29 | |
18. | Back to the Future with the Erbium Laser Micro Manipulator | 16:41 | |
19. | In-Office Clitoral Reduction and Medial Clitoral Hood Reduction | 19:01 | |
20. | Reconstruction After Botched Labiaplasty: Double Flap Rotation Technique | 20:13 | |
21. | Clitoropexy: How I Do It | 13:39 | |
22. | Genital Harmonization: Combined Labia Minora Reduction and Labia Majora Autologous Fat Transfer | 15:17 | |
23. | Is Clitoropexy Effective? | 16:54 | |
24. | Double Folded Labia Minora Management | 15:17 | |
25. | Exosomes for Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause | 16:29 | |
26. | 17 Years’ Experience with Lasers in Regenerative Gynecology: What Have We Learned? | 19:32 | |
27. | The Best Rectocele Repair You’ve Ever Seen | 14:02 | |
28. | Percutaneous Vaginoplasty | 12:45 | |
29. | How to Deal with the Protruded Clitoral Hood | 15:20 | |
30. | Managing Anatomical Challenges in Aesthetic Genital Surgery | 23:22 | |
31. | Spanish: Regreso al Futuro con el Manipulador Micro de Láser de Erbio | 16:10 | |
32. | Spanish: 17 Años de Experiencia con Láseres en Ginecología Regenerativa: ¿Qué Hemos Aprendido? | 13:32 | |
33. | Spanish: Exosomas en Síndrome Genitourinario de La Menopausia | 15:13 | |
34. | Spanish: Miniabdominoplastia Inversa: Una Alternativa para El Ombligo Triste | 13:19 | |
35. | Spanish: Labioplastia Combinada con Injerto de Grasa en Los Labios Mayores: Armonización Genital Completa | 11:17 | |
36. | Spanish: Ginecología Regenerativa en La Disfunción Sexual | 16:57 | |
37. | Spanish: Luksenburg Systems: Un Programa Completo No Quirurgico para IUE | 14:59 | |
38. | Spanish: El Rol de Fisiomagneto en Las Disfunciónes Sexuales | 11:00 | |
39. | Spanish: Vaginoplastia Percutánea | 12:08 | |
40. | Spanish: Técnicas con Colgajo Vulvar para La Reconstrucción de Los Labios Menores | 10:28 | |
41. | Smart Marketing on a Budget (sponsored by Medical Marketing Whiz) | 19:54 | |
42. | Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (sponsored by Aura Wellness) | 17:03 | |
43. | Getting Your Consults to Say Yes and Agree to Surgery | 22:21 | |
44. | Clitoral Botox for Improved Arousal, Orgasm, and Sexual Satisfaction | 24:43 | |
45. | Building a Foundation that Optimizes Hormones and Peptides | 10:01 | |
46. | Bioidentical Hormone Optimization | 19:37 | |
47. | The “Snatch That” Procedure for Lower Face/Neck Rejuvenation | 16:02 | |
48. | Male Genital Aesthetics | 16:52 | |
49. | The Penuma Implant: Clinical Update 2024 | 20:52 | |
50. | Reverse Mini-Abdominoplasty: An Alternative for the Sad Navel | 13:19 | |
51. | Medspa Mastery | 39:10 | |
52. | The Dr. Miami Experience | 51:48 | |
53. | The Brazilian Butt Lift | 23:59 | |
54. | High Definition Body Contouring for Beginners | 14:46 | |
55. | Body Contouring in a Urology Practice | 22:46 | |
56. | Simultaneous Breast Augmentation and Lifting Made Simple: The StapleShape Technique | 21:04 | |
57. | Peptides: The New Frontier of Aesthetic Medicine | 19:13 | |
58. | Combined Intraurethral-Vaginal Laser: Why, When and How? | 17:31 | |
59. | Mons Pubis Laser Lipo | 09:31 | |
60. | Flexible CO2 Laser for Labial and Anal Surgery | 19:35 | |
61. | Regenerative Gynecology and Sexual Dysfunction | 16:50 | |
62. | New Dyspareunia Protocol using Oxygen and Hyaluronic Acid | 11:44 | |
63. | You Have It. They Need It. More Tools. New Skills | 28:12 | |
64. | Non-Excisional Vulvar Remodeling | 29:09 | |
65. | Advanced Treatment Options for Pelvic Pain | 12:35 | |
66. | Cellulite: What’s New and What Works | 29:03 | |
67. | How I Perform Segmental Clitorectomy without Loss of Sensitivity | 18:22 | |
68. | Clitoral Hoodplasty – Techniques, Tips and Tricks | 19:22 | |
69. | Vagilanegelo: It’s All About the Angle | 26:00 | |
70. | Fully Conscious Breast Augmentation in a Submuscular Plane | 18:41 | |
71. | Breast Augmentation under Local Anesthesia | 13:22 | |
72. | How to Succeed in a Female Genital Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Practice | 23:02 | |
73. | Botched Labiaplasty Revision with Clitoral Hood Flaps | 11:13 | |
74. | The Luksenburg System for Severe Stress Urinary Incontinence | 17:04 | |
75. | Synchronized Labia Majoraplasty | 15:16 | |
76. | Management of Lichen Sclerosus of the Clitoral and Vestibular Areas | 15:39 | |
77. | Botched Labia Reconstruction: Labia Majora Flap Technique | 12:56 | |
78. | Non-Crosslinked Hyaluronic Off-the-Shelf Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus | 22:48 | |
79. | Physio Magneto in the Management of Sexual Dysfunction | 12:01 | |
80. | The Surgical Anatomy of Gluteoplasty | 18:35 | |
81. | HA and Hyperstacked Erbium Smooth Laser for GSM after Poor Response to Laser | 19:11 | |
82. | Labiaplasty Wound Dehiscence: How to Avoid It | 30:59 | |
83. | Laser Recipe for Genital 4D Tightening |
Details : 83 Videos + Subtitle
Price : $ 100