Dr Tim Pearce Botulinum Toxin Complications Mastery 2024
How to Manage & Avoid BOTOX® Complications eLearning Course for Aesthetic Practitioners
An illustrated and animated video guide to every BOTOX® complication; diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment guide and preventative techniques.
- Understand the specific causes
- How to diagnose
- How to manage
- How to avoid
Hours of footage, easily accessible – watch again and again!
Video Introduction by Dr Tim Pearce
What’s Included? Online Lessons & Tests
- Eyelid Ptosis
- Brow Ptosis
- Cheek Ptosis
- Lip Ptosis
- Oedema
- Haematoma
- Asymmetry
- Flu Symptoms
- Lower Lip Ptosis Case Study
- BONUS Module
- Botulinum Toxin Complications Quiz
Botulinum Toxin Complications eLearning BOTOX complications online training course
Dr Tim says: “It’s my mission to increase patient safety in an unregulated industry.”
The most stressful situation you can be in as you build your practice is to be confronted with an unhappy patient who you treated with BOTOX® and not know exactly what to say or do to stop things escalating out of your control.
Of course, I’m talking BOTOX complications and it’s our worst nightmare. As a trainer, I know that many of you lose sleep over complications. When that Whatsapp message pops up or the phone rings from that person you just treated, part of you always thinks the worst.
It’s normal to have that anxiety – that this time you’ll be out of your depth, you won’t know what to do or to say, you don’t know how to solve it and you won’t be able to stop their distress or to even stop them from being angry with you, possibly slating you online or even hurting you with an insurance claim.
And worst of all, you won’t know what to do to avoid it happening again. So, every new patient you treat becomes a source of anxiety.
It takes years to get enough experience in complications through your own practice to become proficient. And while you wait for proficiency you lose sleep. It’s not enough just to know the facts, you need to know both the knowledge and the processes to feel ready for the inevitable complications even the best practitioners will get.
And this is the first goal of my online Botulinum Toxin Complications training. I’ve structured the course to prepare you for this eventuality and give you a structured process to go through that gives you everything you need – not only to manage the problems but to diagnose, explain and avoid them ever happening again.
You’ll see every problem broken down into 4 key pillars;
- Understanding what has caused the problem or the aetiology
- Diagnosing it accurately
- Knowing how to manage it and what to do to treat it well
- How to avoid it happening again in the future
A huge part of solving the situation is about how to solve the problem from the patient’s perspective. They need certainty about what has happened and why, what will happen next and what can be done to avoid it happening again in the future.
Who is it For?
Dr Tim Pearce’s eLearning courses are aimed at medical professionals and do not replace the need for practical face-to-face training, which this course is designed to complement. This course is not suitable for non-medical practitioners and all medical practitioners should also seek practical hands-on training.
Asymmetry- Avoidance
Asymmetry- Causes
Asymmetry- Diagnosis
Asymmetry- Scenario 2
Asymmetry- Scenario 3
Asymmetry- Treatment Scenario
Bonus Module Key Concepts
Brow Ptosis- Avoidance
Brow Ptosis- Diagnosis
Brow Ptosis- Management
Brow Ptosis- Treatment
Brow Ptosis
Cheek Ptosis- Cause, Diagnosis, Management & Avoidance
Eyelid Ptosis- Causes
Eyelid Ptosis- Diagnosis
Eyelid Ptosis- Management
Eyelid Ptosis- Technique
Eyelid Ptosis- Treatment (Avoidance)
Eyelid Ptosis
Flu Symptoms- Causes
Flu Symptoms- Diagnosis
Flu Symptoms- Management and Avoidance
Haematoma- Causes
Haematoma- Management & Avoidance
Lip Ptosis- Causes, Diagnosis, Management & Avoidance
Lip Ptosis- Real Stories – Lip Ptosis
Oedema- Avoidance
Oedema- Cause
Oedema- Diagnosis and Management
Price : $ 80